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US 'Star Wars' lasers bring down ballistic missile

"The US this week achieved a goal that has eluded it since Ronald Reagan's Star Wars programme by knocking out a ballistic missile using a high-powered laser beam mounted on a plane."

Category: Radiation, Weapons


Carbon targets pledged at Copenhagen 'fail to keep temperature rise to 2C'

"MIT analysis shows pledges submitted to the UN falls short of reduction targets by at least 11bn tonnes of CO2"

Category: Climate Change


Iran has made first batch of higher-grade uranium, president says

"Mahmoud Ahmadinejad claims Iran is now a 'nuclear state' but insists there is no intention to build nuclear weapons"

Category: Weapons, Energy sources


Hubble space telescope snaps Saturn's twin auroras during rare equinox

"Hubble took advantage of the unusual edge-on view of Saturn's rings to simultaneously image the light shows at both poles"

Category: Space


We're not on a pedestal: peer review keeps scientists firmly grounded

"We deal in theories and uncertainty - not egocentric preaching, say Stephen Curry and Bill Hanage"

Displaying results 766 to 770 out of 2977